Chance are you know someone that has had cancer or have had a family member with cancer. This will be the first of many products with all proceeds going to charity.
it will be a 4x2 slap.
We have chooses Living Beyond Breast Cancer for our charity.
Living Beyond Breast Cancer (LBBC), founded in 1991, is a national nonprofit organization that provides information and support to individuals diagnosed with breast cancer and their caregivers.
LBBC addresses the current needs of people impacted by breast cancer, whether they are newly diagnosed, in treatment, recovery, living with a history of breast cancer or managing a metastatic form of the disease. Resources are developed in collaboration with the nation's leading oncologists, health professionals and related organizations and are delivered by people who understand the physical and emotional complexities of breast cancer.
LBBC offers its communications in a variety of printed and digital formats, as well as in person and through its toll-free Breast Cancer Helpline.